Home > Daily > the next place i live in WILL have washer/dryer in the apt.

the next place i live in WILL have washer/dryer in the apt.

today is my washing laundry day. i just went down to check said laundry and someone was messing with it. i must have waited like 5 extra minutes after the second they were done because some lady was putting it all in the dryers and touching my underthings and clothes. it made me feel violated. i did a good job of maintaining my manners/control though. she was just trying to get her things done. damn apt.’s for wanting to save money by not having to purchase w/d’s for all the units. although i suppose i didn’t HAVE to move in here…and that’s part of the reason why my rent is fairly cheap. which reminds me…must drop off rent check today.

i was thinking, that if i wasn’t already doing my internship it would be really neat to open an espresso stand or something. sometimes i think of stuff like that. a while ago i was talking with chris at *bucks about one of our managers that he knew of that opened her own espresso place and is making really good money. it’s all about location. it would just be really nice to have a business or something like that to call my own…something that i was responsible for making successful. even when i was just an employee for the lebanese mafia at the stand in fred meyers, on good days i was making up to $20 an hour with tips. and i didn’t even own the place. the guy i was working for always had tons of cash that he carried around…but i wasn’t really convinced of the fact that it was legit money, i have my own theories about that.

oh…something else that upset me about the book that i’m reading:

“The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) attempted in the mid-1990’s to issue guidelines for preventing violence at restaurants and stores that do business at night. OSHA was prompted, among other things, by the fact that homocide had become the leading cause of workplace fatalities among women. The proposed guidelines were entirely voluntary and seemed innocuous. OSHA recommeded, for example, that late-night retailers improve visibility within their stores and make sure their parking lots were well lit. The National Restaurant Association, along with other industry groups, responded by enlisting more than one hundred congressmen to oppose any OSHA guidelines on retail violence. An investigation by the Los Angeles Times found that many of these congressmen had recently accepted donations from the NRA and the National Association of Convenience Stores. “Who would oppose putting out guidelines on saving women’s lives in the workplace?” Joseph Dear, a former head of OSHA, said to a Times reporter. “The companies that employ these women.”

that’s outrageous. completely ridiculous. i hate money.

also, the other day a lady called me a little peanut because i look so much younger than my age. a peanut.

Categories: Daily
  1. Anonymous
    March 3, 2003 at 8:23 pm

    Heh. A peanut? While that may have seemed slightly offensive, trust me…it’s worse when people think you’re much older than your age. ‘Cause we will always get older..this is a given. You, at some point, will cease looking so damn young (and yes, I’m bitter ’cause you’re slightly older than me, but I look about ten years your senior-if you look 19, I look closer to 30. Utter crap.). I, however, will never, at any point, start looking younger. It’s all downhill from here, I tell you. Being a peanut is good, take that as a compliment.


    • March 3, 2003 at 8:24 pm

      Duh. I forgot to hit the ‘logged in’ button. The above was me..if you hadn’t figured it out by now…heh.


    • March 4, 2003 at 5:27 pm

      yes…a peanut

      i don’t know why i had to state that again…other than the fact that by saying “heh. a peanut?” you asked a question that didn’t require an answer.

      you know what i just realized? with this whole journal thing…we don’t even really have to e-mail each other anymore. hell, we don’t even have to talk on the phone really…i constantly know what’s going on with you through your journal (when you decide to write in it or not HIDE the entries) and can provide witty banter through posted comments. we could totally have a complete e-relationship through live journal. of course, in reality that would be weird and alien if i never saw you. nevermind. i do think, however, that this makes me lazy because i e-mail you and call you less even though we still hang out. k, i’ll talk to you probably tomorrow. pizza night is on but i would still like to finally get to the slam if we can manage it. i can’t remember what you said you were working tomorrow??? anywho, i’ll call you.


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